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Through an investigative and iterative practice, I’ve developed a methodology that merges photography, reprinting, and rephotographing, transforming images into performative and static forms, immersive multimedia spaces, and multisensory experiences.

My project is to destabilize transcultural encounters through a radical acceptance of the unknown. I investigate the shape of protected meanings, the limited accessibility, and the affirmation of difference.  Engaging in multimodality, I affirm the interconnectedness of cultural differences, creating spaces that celebrate the complexity of regional and global cosmologies, iconographies, and myths. Exploring themes of sacredness, cultural estrangement, and transcultural (mis)translation, I work with organic and synthetic materials to examine how cultural signifiers shift meaning across transnational contexts - soil, salt, paper, fabric, photography, ephemeral projections, looping video, sound, found objects and objects. My practice emphasizes collaboration and experimentation, producing environments where individual and collective bodies become fluid, porous, and self-defined, challenging conventional notions of individual and group identities and belonging.

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